At inControl Systems, we understand the critical role turbines play in power generation. With our advanced fire protection solutions, we ensure uninterrupted operations and maximize safety for various turbine types:

Steam Turbine

Steam turbines are critical equipment used in power plants and industrial processes to convert thermal energy from steam into mechanical energy. They play a vital role in generating electricity and are prone to fire hazards, such as failures in lube oil piping or turbine bearings.

  • Bearings

  • Oil Storage Tank

  • Oil Filter

  • Oil Pump

  • Oil Coolers

Gas Turbine

Gas turbines are commonly used in industrial settings to generate electricity and power machinery. They operate under high pressure and produce significant heat, making them susceptible to fire risks. Effective fire suppression solutions are essential to ensure reliable energy production.

  • Gas Turbine

  • Generator

  • Bearing

Hydropower Turbine

Hydropower turbines harness the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. As crucial components of hydropower plants, protecting their generators is vital for uninterrupted power generation and minimizing the risk of fires.

  • Generator

Diesel Electric

Diesel electric turbines use diesel engines to drive generators and produce electricity. Fire protection for these turbines is essential to safeguard critical components like the diesel engine, lube oil tank, oil cooler, and oil pump, ensuring uninterrupted operations and preventing potential hazards.

  • Diesel Engine

  • Lube Oil Tank

  • Oil Cooler

  • Oil Pump

Expert Solutions, Maximum Safety